30 March 2010

Dell: AC Power Adapter Type Cannot Be Determined

Well, My New XPS 13 started to act strange, It wont charge when I plug in the power adapter and would display "

AC Power Adapter Type Cannot Be Determined"

After struggling for hours, found the issue.

If you look at the power cable that plugs into your laptop, you should see a small pin (male pin) inside. This pin was broke in my case, and hence my battery wont charge and Dell displays a strange message.

I bought a cheap replacement power cable from ebay ( $10-$15) and problem is gone.

16 March 2010

ORA-38104: Columns referenced in the ON Clause cannot be updated

When you use Merge statement, you cannot update the columns reference in the ON Clause.

Not many know that, Merge supports "WHERE Clause".

Add a Where Clause to your Update statement under "When Matched"

Merge Into ...
Using ()
When Matched then
Update ...
Where ...
When Not Matched then

10 March 2010

ORA-28056: Writing audit records to Windows Event Log failed

I started getting this error after installing Oracle llg database.

Here are couple of options to fix it.

Open Event Viewer: Click Start, click Control Panel,click Administrative Tools,
and then double-click Event Viewer.

1) Clear Application log. Right click on Application, Select clear all events

2) Or, Increase the Application log size. Right click on Application, Select properties, Increase Maximum log size.

3) Or, Change Max log size Over write options. Select "Overwrite events as needed"

05 March 2010

ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'OGC_X'

Can't figure out why your SELECT statement is throwing 'OGC_X' error ?

1) Most probably, your SELECT has a table with an alias "x"
2) Your oracle is version is lower than 11g
3) You probably mistyped column name

Prior to Oracle 11g, Oracle by default comes with a synonym 'X' defined for "OGC_X".

1) In your SELECT, if you mistype the column name from the table aliased as "x", Oracle tries to use the Synonym object "OGC_X", and hence you get the error.

Following SQL works
select * from dual x where x.dummy = 'X'

Now change, x.dummy to x.fummy (wrong column name), you will the error

select * from dual x where x.fummy = 'X'

In summary, if your table alias matches any synonym in your database and you typed the column name of the aliased table wrong, you get the error "ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to ..."