30 April 2010


Vedas are holy books of Hinduism, written in Sanskrit sometime between 1500 and 500BC

There are 4 Vedas (Sacred Texts)

  1. Rig Veda : Knowledge of Praise. It contains Hymns(verses) praising gods
  2. Sama Veda : Knowledge of Sacred Songs(chants). It contains Hymns recited as religious services
  3. Yajur Veda : Knowledge of Rites(Sacrifices).Its divided into 2 parts, Black Yajurveda Taittiriy & White Yajurveda Vajasaneyi
  4. Athara Veda :

More to come...

29 April 2010

கடவுள் இல்லை என்பவனை நம்பலாம்....
கடவுள் இருக்கு என்பவனையும் நம்பலாம் ..
ஆனால் நான் தான் கடவுள் என்று சொல்பவனை என்றும் நம்பவே கூடாது

PLS-00306 WRONG number or types of arguments in call to XMLAGG

This a bug in Oracle. This error is thrown when you use ORDER BY clause with XMLAGG in PL/SQL.

Work Around: Remove the ORDER BY Clause

Funny part is, the SQL will work fine in SQLPLUS, but when you use in PL/SQL it will throws the above error.

Versions confirmed as being affected: to

This bug is fixed from onwards

02 April 2010