12 March 2009

Oracle: RecycleBin

From 10g, When you drop a table, Oracle renames the table and stores it in logical recycle bin. The table structure is preserved, meaning all the triggers and indexes on the table are preserved. Even though the table is logically dropped, it still exists in bin, there by occupying space in the tablespace

To view the contents of the recyclebin, go to sqlplusw, and type

sql> show recyclebin

If you dropped the table by mistake and want to revert it back, then issue the command

sql> Flashback table table_name to before drop;

If you want to permanently drop a table,bypassing recyclebin then

sql> drop table table_name purge;

To clear Recylcebin

sql> purge recyclebin

Scripts to manage recyclebin

To drop a table from recycle bin

purge table table_name

You can also purge tables at tablespace level

Purge tablespace tablespace_name

Purge for specific users in tablespace

Purge tablespace tablespace_name USER user_name

To drop all objects in recyclein

purge dba_recylebin

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