When you import or export using data pump impdp or expdp tools, the import/export is done by a job. You have an option to provide a job name using JOB_NAME parameter too
Following sql will give you the list of data pump jobs
select * from dba_datapump_jobs
If you want to kill your impdp or expdp
1) Make sure that your impdp/expdp command prompt window is active
2) Press Control-C , It will pause the job. Done press another Control-C or close the command prompt. This will just close the window, but the job will still be running
3) Type Kill_Job
ex: Import>kill_job
Are you sure you wish to stop this job (y/n): y
If by mistake, you closed the window and your import/export job is still running,
1) Get the name of the job using
select * from dba_datapump_jobs
2) Open a new command prompt window. If you want to kill your import job type
impdp username/password@database attach=name_of_the_job
3) Once you are attached to job, Type Kill_Job
ex: Import>kill_job
Are you sure you wish to stop this job (y/n): y
And your job is killed, it will no longer show in dba_datapump_jobs
very helpful, simple, and to the point. Thank you.